Aim: Maximize individual and collective agency for the staff Negotiate and approve master contracts and individual employment contracts, establishing wages, hours, and conditions for all members, employees, and subcontractors Chair: Art Richardson Vice Chair: Sarah WilkeningSecretary: Sean AndersonTreasurer: to be elected Open and voluntary membership - new members are voted in by the co-op, after working for a candidacy period of 12 months. All staff at Milestone are welcome to attend GIR meetings and provide comment, but only worker-owners may vote. Domain: Members: Co-op Roles: Operational Roles: Get It Right Educators' Cooperative Aim: loremipsum etc ete: Domain: loremipsum etc ete: Co-op Manager Aim: Deliver Advisory as described in the School Plan Advisory Curriculum and all Operational Procedures related to Advisory All Advisors Domain: Members: Advisors Aim: Deliver course instruction as described in the School Plan Course Curriculum All staff teaching courses Domain: Members: Course Instructors Aim: Govern and manage the school in a way that includes students, teachers, and staff, to meet all operational obligations with outside entities All operational procedures and administrative regulations derived from the following sections of the School Plan: Governance - Facilities - Food - Staffing Pattern - Calendar & Schedules - Budget Domain: Operational Roles: Operations & Governance Aim: Domain: School Finance Manager Aim: ] Domain: Facilities Manager Aim: Domain: Health, Wellness, & Safety Coordinator Aim: Domain: Director of Operations Aim: Be accessible & welcoming to all, regardless of income, race, ethnicity, gender expression, culture, identity, age, neurodiversity, social-emotional-mental wellbeing, or dis/ability, while building agency & power for equity, inclusion, and justice All operational procedures and administrative regulations derived from the following sections of the School Plan: Worldview & Values - Services, Care, Climate, & Culture - Justice Domain: All staff who request membership and are accepted by the circle Members: Operational Roles: Culture & Climate Aim:TBD by Circle Domain:TBD by circle Justice Coordinator Aim:TBD by Circle Domain:TBD by Circle Director of Culture & Climate Aim: Use relevant, real-life experiences & problems for, differentiated, one-student-at-a-time, hands-on learning All operational procedures and administrative regulations derived from the following sections of the School Plan: Learning Program: Experiences - Goals - Assements Domain: Members & Roles: All staff who request membership and are approved by the circle Members Operational Roles: Learning & Teaching Aim: Implement the Community Learning program as described in the School Plan All Operational Procedures and Administrative Regulations pertaining to intersnships, Academic and Career Planning, and other community-connected learning Domain: CL & ACP Coordinator: Art Richardson Aim: Co-create a learning environment that aligns with the School Plan Operational Procedures and Administrative Regulations relating to the Learning Program sections of the School Plan which are not delegated to other Operational Roles or sub-circles Domain: Director of Learning & Teaching:Sean Anderson Operational Roles: Aim: Raise the profile of the School Raise funds for the School Provide oversight for all other governing bodies of the School All School Policies - adopt, revise, delete Review all decisions made by Membership, Design Team, School Meeting, and EC for compliance with law, contracts, and values Legal and fiduciary responsibility for the School Elected by School membership, to include at least 3 students, 2 staff, and 2 community stakeholders Domain: Members: Governance Board Aim: Provide oversight for all financial aspects of the School's operations Right of inspection of the School's funds, including budgets and audit reports 1 vote at all Board proceedings Domain: Treasurer Aim: Keep clear and accessible public record of all Board meetings, votes, and proceedings Public calendar, Agendas, Minutes1 vote at all Board proceedings Domain: Secretary Aim: Provide leadership to the Board and School, guiding from a commitment to the purpose, worldview, and values Preside at all meetings of the Board and Membership General superintendance and direction of all other officers of the Board 1 vote at all Board proceedings Domain: President Aim: Support the President and provide leadership in the President's absence All the powers of the President in their absence 1 vote at all Board proceedings Domain: Vice President Aim: Support the Aim of the Board with active engagement 1 vote at all Board proceedings Domain: Board Member At Large Aim: Formally study, evaluate, and revise the School Plan to ensure the School is meeting its purpose, worldview, and values Edit, modify, and re-write the School Plan Between 13 and 17 members, made up of:Between 9 and 15 studentsUp to 3 staff1 guardian / parent / caregiverSelected at random from a list of volunteers Domain: Members: Design Team Aim: Make all day-to-day governance decisions not directly in conflict with the School Plan Make recommendations and provide input to the Design Team, EC, and Board Create, modify, and/or delete all operational procedures and administrative regulations All enrolled studentsAll staff Domain: Members: School Meeting Aim: Deliver the experience described in the School Plan, by: Holding the Learning, Operations, and Culture circles accountable and supporting their functioning Responding to questions and concerns from the School community, accountability partners, and community stakeholders that concern the aims of more than one EC circle (or when a question/concern is not satisfactorily addressed by an EC circle) Ensuring the flow of information between EC circles Deciding who decides: assigning new issues to the EC circles, and/or exploring and making decisions that concern the aims/domains of more than one EC circle Create, modify, and/or delete all Operational Procedures and Administrative Regulations that concern the aims/domains of more than one EC circle Director of Learning & Teaching Delegate from Learning & Teaching Circle Director of Operations Delegate from Operations & Governance Circle Director of School Culture & Climate Delegate from Culture & Climate Circle Domain: Members: EC Leadership Aim: Govern our School as a participatory democracy Create, modify, and/or delete all operational procedures and administrative regulations Final decision regarding continued or non-continuation of employment for all staff Elect a Governance Board "Call out" the Board's decision-making when necessary Evaluate teaching staff Adjust the yearly calendar when needed Plan and approve special events All enrolled students All guardians, parents, and direct care-givers of enrolled students All staff Community Stakeholders who apply for membership Domain: Membership Aim: Domain: Food Services Manager Aim: Domain: IT Coordinator Provide services to meet the needs of all students with disabilities while ensuring compliance with law, contracts, and policy. Aim: All Operational Procedures and Administrative Regulations pertaining to Special Education Director of Special Education, Special Education Coordinator, all Special Education Instructors, Other staff who request and are approved Domain: Members: Special Education Operational Roles: Aim: Maintain compliance with all Special Education laws, regulations, and policies Domain: All Operational Procedures relating to Special Education, reporting, paperwork, and documentation Director of Special Education Aim: Organize and provide services to students with disabilities to help them thrive. Domain: All Operational Procedures relating to Special Education delivery and instruction Special Education Coordinator Organizational Chart: Milestone Democratic SchoolGoverning Bodies per the School Plan"EC" organized as sociocratic circles Adopted by Get It Right for inclusion in contract with MDS for 2022-23 school year All staff who request membership and are accepted by the circle Members: