Advisory Switching Procedure

Identificación del documento
Advisory Switch
Advisory Switching Procedure
Fecha de impresion
October 11th, 2023
Preparado por
Reid Erickson – EC
Fecha Preparada
October 4th, 2023
Fecha efectiva
October 12th, 2023
Revisado por 
Círculo de liderazgo de EC
Fecha de revisión
October 11th, 2023
Aprobado por
Círculo de liderazgo de EC
Fecha Aprobada
October 11th, 2023

Students who wish to switch to a different advisory should follow these steps:

  1. Confer with their current advisor about the ways they feel they are not being effectively supported, giving the student and advisor an opportunity to work together towards a solution or to mutually agree that switching advisories is the best choice for the student. The student and advisor should work together on documenting the things discussed during their meeting in a Google Doc (and/or voice memo, and/or video) hosted in the student’s personal drive folder.
  2. If the advisor and student agree that a switch is the best choice, the student should confer with the advisor they want to switch to in order to discuss what the student is looking for in a new advisory and whether or not the advisor feels that those things will be available to the student in their advisory. If the advisor feels they cannot meet the needs of the student, they can provide input on what advisor they think would be a better fit, but that is not required. The student and advisor should work together on documenting the things discussed during their meeting in a Google Doc (and/or voice memo, and/or video) hosted in the student’s personal drive folder. 
  3. If the student and both advisors agree, the student must email [email protected], their current advisor, and the advisor they wish to switch to with the following:
    • Why they feel their current advisory is not serving them
    • Why they feel another advisory would be able to serve them better
    • How they plan to make the transition as smoothly as possible
    • Documentation from the discussions had with both advisors
  4. From there, Leadership Circle will review the documentation provided in the email from the student. At the next meeting, Leadership will make a decision on whether or not they feel the switch will be beneficial based on the documentation.
    • Leadership will then respond to the student and both advisors with their approval or denial of the request and an explanation of why via email.
  5. If the student’s switch is denied, they may respond to the email from Leadership requesting an appeal and providing reasons why they feel they deserve to have their appeal heard.
    • Leadership can allow or disallow an appeal
    • If an appeal is granted, Leadership will contact the student and advisors requesting further information prior to the next leadership meeting, where they will review the appeal and make a second decision
  6. Upon making a decision after receiving the appeal materials, Leadership will email the student and advisors their decision with an explanation of why.
Última actualización porSean Anderson en octubre 11, 2023
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