Get It Right Time Away Policy & Procedure

Get It Right Time Away Policy & Procedure

Cov ntaub ntawv ID


Lub Sijhawm Away Txoj Cai & Txheej Txheem

Luam tawm hnub


Kev kho dua


Npaj los ntawm

Sam Hsieh – Operations Manager

Hnub Npaj


Hnub tim 


Reviewed By 

Operations Circle

Hnub tshuaj xyuas


Pom zoo Los ntawm

Operations Circle

Hnub Pom Zoo



  • When possible, give at least 1 week’s notice for time off requests. Requests can be made by email or Google chat to the Operations Manager and GIR Manager
  • If a week’s notice is not possible, make your request by 9am the previous school day. This can be done by email or Google chat to the Operations Manager and GIR Manager.
  • If an emergency occurs, please give notice by 7am the day of the requested day off. This can be done by directly Google chatting the Operations Manager and GIR Manager.
  • If an emergency occurs and you are unable to give notice before 7am of the requested day off, you must directly text (with confirmation of receipt) or speak with the Operations Manager and GIR Manager. When the Operations Manager is not in the building, please directly text or speak with the Director of Operations and GIR Manager. 
  • Mental Health Day requests must be made at least one week in advance. 
  • The absence is approved when the Operations Manager replies to your communication. The request will then be put on the Google calendar called “Approved Time Off AY23/24,” where you can also view other staff members’ days away. 

Time Away Procedures

Knowing that emergencies, mental health days, and commitments may require the occasional time away from school, the budget holds the possibility of 10 days with substitute coverage per 1.0 FTE (based on work hours scheduled out of 40/week, not based on pay percent) and a proportional amount for EC members with a reduced FTE. A few things to note:

  1. Txhua tus neeg ua haujlwm uas muaj lub luag haujlwm qhia ntawv yuav tsum muaj cov ntaub ntawv qhia thiab cov phiaj xwm xwm txheej ceev nrog rau Tus Thawj Coj ntawm Kev Kawm & Qhia. Txhua tus neeg ua haujlwm uas muaj kev saib xyuas (tsis yog qhia ntawv) yuav tsum muaj lawv cov dej num thiab cov txheej txheem ntawm cov ntaub ntawv nrog Tus Thawj Coj Kev Ua Haujlwm. 
  2. There is also a possibility that people can donate days to a bank, and if an employee is in need of days exceeding 10, they can make a request for those days. 

Requesting PTO and Mental Health Days

  1. Any absence day(s) (or partial absences) that are known about in advance need advanced notification to the Operations Manager (responsible for scheduling, including substitute coverage) and the Get It Right Manager (responsible for tracking benefits including absence days). Please, when possible, give at least one week’s notice for PTO requests. If a week’s notice is not possible, the request must be made by 9am the previous school day from the requested day off in order for the Operations Manager to confirm a sub. Notice may be given to both parties by email or Google chat.
    1. If you have remaining PTO, the GIR Manager and Operations Manager will approve your request at their discretion. If they have concerns about the absence, they may request collective approval in an EC Leadership Circle chat thread, with clear instructions and deadlines for approval.
    2. Once approved, the Operations Manager will record the approved PTO in the calendar titled “Approved Time Off AY23/24.” The Operations Manager will also send a reply via email or Google chat confirming that the request has been approved. This calendar will be viewable by the EC and can also be used as a reference for knowing when others will be absent. 
    3. The Operations Manager  will begin contacting subs.
  2. When an emergency occurs and you cannot give notice by 9am the previous day from the requested absence, the GIR Manager and Operations Manager must still be notified by 7 a.m. the day of the absence.  
    1. In this case, the requestor should send a direct Google chat to the Operations Manager and Get It Right Manager. The Ops Manager and GIR Manager will follow the procedure outlined in the procedure above.
    2. The Operations Manager will notify other staff of the requested absence in the chat channel along with the modified schedule, and will keep everyone updated with any changes to job duties for the day.
  3. If an emergency occurs and you cannot give notice by 7am the day of the request off, you must directly text (with confirmation of receipt) or speak with the Operations Manager and Get It Right Manager, or the Director of Operations and GIR Manager when the Operations Manager is not available, as early as possible to notify them of your absence and any supervisory or coverage expectations they will need to delegate. 
    1. The Operations Manager, if available to, will begin reaching out to subs. You may be requested to support this process of finding coverage.
    2. The Operations Manager, GIR Manager or other staff member will notify other staff of the requested absence in the chat channel, and will keep everyone updated with any changes to job duties for the day.
  4. For the first trimester of AY23-24, GIR will pilot a paid Mental Health Day benefit program. Each EC staff member will have 2 paid Mental Health Days in addition to their PTO bank. The 2 paid Mental Health Days will expire on Dec. 22, 2023 and will not carry over into the next trimester. They must be requested by December 8, 2023. Mental Health Days must be requested at least one week in advance. If requested with less than a week’s notice, the request will be considered a PTO request and follow the process outlined in steps 1-3 above. 
  5. Non-emergency requests to alter your work schedule during the school day (i.e. to leave the building for any reason) must be confirmed by the Operations Manager at least 1 day in advance. Day-of requests of this nature should follow the process outlined in number 3 above.
  6. Once a team member exceeds their 10 days (or proportional), they will need to make a request to the entire team for someone to donate days to the “bank.” If no bank is available, the team member will receive a deduction in their next paycheck equivalent to the proportion of their salary for the time off.  If a member takes more than two consecutive days OR exceeds their number of days without advanced notice and pre-approval, refer to the Habitual Absenteeism definition in the Discipline and Termination Policy.
  7. Txoj cai no tseem tsis suav nrog kev thov kom ncua sijhawm so (xws li niam txiv so haujlwm, nyiaj them rau tus neeg ua haujlwm, thiab lwm yam). Cov txheej txheem thiab txheej txheem no tshwm sim ncaj qha nrog Get It Right Manager.
Xeem tshiab los ntawmSean Anderson ntawm September 21, 2023
1099 nyeem
Koj nyiam zaj lus no li cas?00

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