Building Use During Learn From Home

Document ID
Learn From Home
Building Use During Learn From Home
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Prepared By
Sarah Weinstock – Learning & Teaching Circle
Date Prepared
Effective Date
Reviewed By 
Sam Hsieh – Operations Circle
Date Reviewed
Approved By
Leadership Circle
Date Approved

During virtual learning days, some students genuinely need in-person support or a physical space to engage in their remote learning. Virtual learning can present challenges for these students, and providing them access to our school building could address this issue.


  • To offer a safe space to students who require it during virtual learning.
  • Establish clear protocols for students and staff to ensure safety and adequate supervision.
  • To communicate this plan to families transparently and efficiently.

Protocol and Expectations:

  • Students wishing to utilize the school building during virtual learning days must communicate their intention directly to their Advisors and the Office by Monday of that week.
  • The student and Advisor will create a plan for the student for the day. The plan will be shared with the rest of the staff.
  • The school building will be available to students in the morning until noon, with a strong recommendation for families to utilize alternate spaces after that time, as staff will be in back-to-back meetings starting at noon If finding an alternate space at noon is not possible for the student or family, the family should communicate with the Advisor and Office about it when making the plan for Wednesday.
  • All classrooms and facilities should be closed and locked outside of these designated hours. Three designated spaces will be open to students–an Advisory room, the kitchen and the lobby.
  • To ensure safety and supervision, staff members will cover the front desk and kitchen from 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM on a rotating schedule.

Communication with Students and Families:

  • It is essential to establish a clear communication plan to inform students and families about the availability of the school building on Wednesdays.
  • This communication should include the process for students to request access, the designated hours, and the importance of adhering to safety guidelines.
  • Information should be readily accessible through the school’s communication channels, such as the school website and email notifications.
  • In communicating with families, the staff should emphasize that students should learn from home when possible, and that they can come to the building on Wednesdays only when necessary and pre-arranged with the Advisor and the Office (with a plan in place for the day). Staff should also clearly communicate that staff will be teaching online courses or in meetings and unavailable to support in person instruction, so students will be learning virtually but in the building, as if they were learning from home.  
Last updated bySean Anderson on January 17, 2024
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