Credit Awarding and Record-Keeping Procedures for Advisors

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Credit Awarding and Record-Keeping Procedures for Advisors
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Prepared By
Sean Anderson / Director of Learning & Teaching
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Procedures for Advisors to follow to ensure timely and accurate recording of student credit

  1. 2 Weeks Before Exhibitions:
    1. Work with students and families to select panelists and set parameters for each exhibition (public? Recorded? etc)
    2. Invite panelists to serve
  2. 1 Week Before Exhibitions:
    1. Copy portfolio slides / doc / site (etc) to student’s Records folder in Drive
    2. Send portfolio to panelists
    3. Prepare Exhibition Notes with panelist names, Learning Experiences, and Competencies targeted — send to panelists
  3. Week of Exhibition
    1. Check in with panelists for questions or concerns
  4. Day of Exhibition
    1. Remind panelists that Exhibition Notes in the shared google doc become part of a student’s permanent record
    2. Add a link to the portfolio copy to the Exhibition Notes document
    3. Convene panel to award credit
  5. < 1 week post Exhibition
    1. Move Exhibition Notes to student’s Records folder in Drive
    2. Update “Credits and Competencies – Student Tracking Record” with status change – include link to Exhibition Notes
    3. Send Student Tracking Record to Registrar for updates to SIS
    4. Update Mastery Transcript
    5. Update SIS in collaboration with the Registrar
      1. For students transferring/transferred out – generate JMC transcript
    6. Send Exhibition Notes and a link to student’s Mastery Transcript to caregivers/parents/guardians for review
      1. For students transferring/transferred out – include JMC transcript
    7. Schedule PLP meeting for following term
Last updated bySean Anderson on August 29, 2022
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