EC School Day Communications Procedures

Document ID
SY2022-23 EC School Day Communications Procedures
Print Date
Prepared By
Operations and Governance Circle
Date Prepared
September 4, 2022
Effective Date
September 5, 2022
Reviewed By 
Operations and Governance Circle
Date Reviewed
September 4, 2022
Approved By
Operations and Governance Circle
Date Approved
September 4, 2022

School Day Communications Procedures


EC Members may need to be in good communication throughout the day in order to ensure the safety of all students and adults in the building. This includes, but is not limited to, communication about student whereabouts, or communication about needs inside the classroom. Between the hours of 12-4, it is possible that all staff members will be directly engaged with students, so we need a procedure that ensures all needs are met, but also ensures that learning time is not interrupted unless there is an urgent need.

We will use chat or gmail for all forms of communication. It is up to each individual to check it at times during the day that make sense for them. If, however, something is urgent or needs immediate attention, the following procedures should take effect:


8 a.m. – 9 a.m.Sean, Kate, and Ben are scheduled to be working during this time. This means that anyone can feel free to reach out for assistance or support via cell phone during this hour. Other staff members are not scheduled to be working during this time, so it is at their discretion as to whether they will respond to a text or call during this time. Obviously, if there is an emergency, we trust that everyone will be ready to help in whatever way they can.
9 a.m. – 4 p.m.All staff are scheduled to be working during this time. This means that the procedure written below will apply mostly during this time.
Personal Time / Lunch BreakEach full-time staff member has a one-hour break during the day, which is planning time, lunch time, and personal time all in one. There is no expectation that a staff member needs to stay in the building during this time. Because we are a small staff, it would be preferable that not everyone that is scheduled to break at the same time are all out at the same time on any given day, so please check in with the others in your break time. There is no expectation that you respond to communication during this time, unless in any of the following situations: student emergency, staff emergency, any of our safety procedures (Code Red, fire, etc.), if a student who has a crisis plan has you listed as part of that plan. 
4 p.m. – 5 p.m.Kane and Sarah are scheduled to be working during this time, with a third staff member being present using the rotation of individuals available during that time: Sam, Alexis, Art, and Stefano. This means that anyone can feel free to reach out for assistance or support via cell phone during this hour. Other staff members are not scheduled to be working during this time, so it is at their discretion as to whether they will respond to a text or call during this time. Obviously, if there is an emergency, we trust that everyone will be ready to help in whatever way they can.
After 5 p.m. and before 8 a.m.The Leadership Circle is working to establish communication expectations for outside of work hours. Please refer to these if communication is needed outside of school hours.


A student is gone from the room longer than expected, or does not come to class when you know they are in school that day:
A chat will be set up for the express purpose of communication about student whereabouts during the day. When using this chat, please provide as much information as possible:
For example: Kate left my classroom at 12:35 to use the restroom. It’s now 12:50 and she’s not back yet. Her good friend Sarah is also out of the room right now, and I suspect that they’re together. Can someone please check on them for me?
Or, Kate didn’t come to Building the Outdoor Space, but I saw her at lunch. Can someone please give her a gentle reminder that class is starting?
Please remember to close the conversation on chat by saying something like “Kate is back in class. Thanks!”
*We are working to obtain devices for advisors to use to have chat available during advisory times.
You need staff support inside the classroom, during a non emergency (for example, maybe you’re doing an activity and a group needs some facilitation to complete the activity). 
If it’s not an emergency, you can use your discretion as to whether to send a student to get support, or use the chat. As always, if you use the chat, please close it out.
You need staff support inside the classroom, during a non-medical emergency (a fight*, a student in crisis**, etc).
Use all three methods, if possible. 
First, step into the hallway (or ask a student to if you’re tending to the situation) and yell for support, starting with “EMERGENCY!” (Example: EMERGENCY! I need adult support immediately). 
Then, send a student to find an adult that can support. If you have the ability to request specific person or people, that would be best. If you just need help from anyone ASAP, just tell them to get two adults and come right back.
When you can, please use the chat to communicate essential information with the rest of the team, including if you need ongoing support.
If it’s necessary to have students leave the room for their safety, please yell for help first, and then ask a student to calmly lead everyone out all the way to the lobby. 
After any immediate harm or threat is over, Alexis and Sarah will figure out next steps. Wait for their direction as to what to put in the chat, if anything.
*Please be aware that screaming “fight” into the hallway isn’t going to yield a good result, so in that case you might want to yell “EMERGENCY! STUDENT CRISIS! I NEED ADULT SUPPORT IMMEDIATELY!”
**If possible, please try to maintain student confidentiality, realizing that your first priority is everyone’s safety.
You need staff support inside the classroom, during a MEDICAL emergency:
If you think that there is any chance that the student may need to go to the hospital or needs medical attention from a professional, call 911 – stay on the phone with them to receive and carry out any instructions they give you). Skip to Step 3. 
If the student has something like a nosebleed, a small cut, a bee sting (non-allergic), etc. (emergency but not life-threatening) Call immediately for Stefano or Kate (or Sarah or Sean if you can’t reach Stefano or Kate), and please try to communicate if you need a bloodborne pathogen kit. They will treat the immediate issue, and then call the parent to see what steps the parent wants taken.
Send a student to find Stefano or Kate (Sarah or Sean if Stefano or Kate isn’t available). 
Send other students to wait in a closeby advisory. 
Offer words of encouragement or support to the student, and do whatever you feel comfortable doing to keep the student safe from additional harm until help arrives.
After any immediate harm or threat is over, Kate and Stefano will figure out next steps. Wait for their direction as to what to put in the chat, if anything.
If you plan to be outside with students:
You must take a phone or device outside with you if you plan to be outside with students.
Let the person at the front desk know if you will be outside with students.
If you have an urgent need while you are outside, but it is not an emergency, please call the office line: 608-305-4332. If you don’t get in touch with anyone, call the appropriate person from the list of numbers below.
IF IT IS A LIFE-THREATENING EMERGENCY, call 911 first, send another student to find Stefano, Kate, Sean, or Sarah, and then call cell phones.

EC MemberEmailGoogle Voice Number
Alexis Gardner[email protected]608-218-3312
Art Richardson[email protected]608-205-8171
Ben Temeyer[email protected]608-205-8256
Christina Calcese[email protected]608-352-0356
Damita Brown[email protected]n/a
Janice Schreiber-Poznik[email protected]608-352-0149
Kane McDermott[email protected]608-352-8413
Kate Freedman[email protected]608-205-8823
Michele Lucci[email protected]office:608-305-4332
Sean Anderson[email protected]608-205-8110
Sam Hsieh[email protected]608-352-0214
Sarah Weinstock[email protected]608-205-8056
Sarah Bee Wilkening[email protected]office:608-305-4332
Stefano Oviedo[email protected]office:608-305-4332
TK Kuhle[email protected]office:608-305-4332
Last updated bySean Anderson on September 8, 2022
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