Procedure for Awarding Credit at Exhibitions

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Procedure for Awarding Credit at Exhibitions
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Prepared By
Sean Anderson / Director of Learning & Teaching
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A Guide for Panelists on Awarding Credit for Student Learning

Defining “Mastery”

Students at Milestone are not assessed or evaluated on a numerical or letter-based scale. Instead, they are asked to demonstrate mastery of specific learning objectives called competencies. Competencies are grouped together to form foundational credits. The full list of credits and competencies, along with DPI-approved course codes, is published in the School Plan.

It is the work of the Exhibition Panel to make a determination of whether a student’s work represents mastery of competencies.

We define mastery as the ability to demonstrate understanding and application of a given skill or knowledge base, independently and with consistency.

For any given competency, a student may be evaluated as:

  • Mastered – the student has demonstrated mastery at an exhibition (or through a transcript review)
  • In Progress – the student has demonstrated some learning and growth toward mastery, but has not yet demonstrated independent and consistent understanding and/or application
  • Not Yet Attempted – the student has not demonstrated learning or work towards this competency

Procedure for determining Mastery

  1. The student presents each of their learning experiences, including artifacts and their own reflection on what they learned (Note: some students may directly reference the competencies they believe they have demonstrated, others will present their learning in their own words)
  2. During the exhibition, each panelist makes notes on the attached form indicating which competencies they believe were addressed for each learning experience, and which status they believe is accurate for that competency (“mastered,” “in progress,” or “not yet attempted”)
  3. After the exhibition, the panel confers on competencies and status recommended. The panel will use the following modified formal consensus protocol to make their determination of credit:
    1. A panelist proposes a competency and status (i.e. “I propose the student has demonstrated mastery of [competency]” or “I propose the student has demonstrated in-progress status of [competency]”). 
    2. Each panelist has the opportunity to ask clarifying questions about the proposal.
    3. Each panelist has the opportunity to share their thoughts and discussion about the proposal.
    4. The panelist who made the proposal asks, “Are there any concerns about this proposal?” Each panelist has the opportunity to present concerns.
      1. If no concerns are raised, the competency status is officially documented as “mastered” or “in progress”
      2. If a concern is raised about the proposal, the panel returns to clarifying questions and discussion in attempt to resolve the concern, and the proposal is revised or repeated
      3. If, after three attempts to resolve concerns, consensus cannot be reached, then a majority vote of the panel may make a final determination and the competency status is officially documented.
  4. The student’s Advisor updates the student’s internal records and Mastery Transcript documenting the decision of the panel.
Last updated bySean Anderson on August 29, 2022
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