Classification of Employment Guidelines

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Classification of Employment Guidelines
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Prepared By
Sean Anderson – Get It Right Manager
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Get It Right Membership
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Approved By
Get It Right Membership
Date Approved

A guide to identify different classifications and organization of employment types for Milestone Democratic School and Get It Right Educators’ Cooperative

Referring School Policy: Policy 200 Role of Independent School Management Service

Roles and Responsibilities of Milestone and Get It Right regarding employment

All persons employed to provide staffing at Milestone Democratic School shall work under a co-employment contract with the School and with Get It Right Educators’ Cooperative. Get It Right shall serve as the employer of record, including the following:

  • signing and maintaining individual employment contracts
  • maintaining employee files
  • providing required background checks
  • managing workers compensation insurance
  • managing payroll services 

Milestone Democratic School shall serve all other human resources services, including:

  • scheduling of duties within individual employment contracts’ agreed-upon work schedules
  • providing performance evaluation
  • managing conflict resolution

Types of employment at Milestone through co-employment with Get It Right

Individual employment contracts shall designate one or more of the following classifications for each employee:

  1. Instructional (“teacher”): requires valid teaching license for the ages and content being taught; can plan and deliver instruction); subject to the Design Team interview and hiring process described in the School Plan (with the exception of Guest Instructor).
  2. Instructional support: requires a background check but not a teaching license; can deliver instruction on a limited basis, provided that the instruction has been planned and is overseen by a certified instructor; subject to the Design Team interview and hiring process described in the School Plan.
  3. Substitute instructor: requires a valid substitute teaching license for the ages being taught; can deliver instruction that has been planned by a certified instructor; subject to the Design Team interview and hiring process described in the School Plan.
  4. Student supervision: requires a background check but not a teaching license; can supervise students for safety and social/emotional support, but can not deliver instruction; subject to the Design Team interview and hiring process described in the School Plan.
  5. Administrative and operational support: requires a background check, but does not require any direct supervision; not subject to the Design Team interview and hiring process described in the School Plan, but instead may be hired directly by Get It Right.

In addition, each employment contract shall designate one of the following types of employment:

  1. Full time: Instructional, support, and student supervision schedule not to exceed 40 hours per week, with minimum 30-minute duty-free break each day. Additional professional duties may require work in excess of 40 hours per week, to be determined by the employee and the Circles they work with, including but not limited to:
    1. meetings
    2. reasonable communications with students, families, and fellow workers; and 
    3. completion of accountability and compliance documentation 
  2. Part time salaried: Instructional, support, and student supervision schedule to be determined in contract negotiations. As with full-time employment, additional professional duties may require work in excess of scheduled time, including but not limited to:
    1. meetings
    2. reasonable communications with students, families, and fellow workers; and 
    3. completion of accountability and compliance documentation 
  3. Part time hourly: Instructional, support, and student supervision schedule to be determined in contract negotiations. All professional duties, including meetings, communications, and documentation, shall be included in hourly pay.
  4. Per diem: instructional, support, and student supervision schedule to be determined in contract and daily-assignment negotiations. No expectations of additional professional duties beyond per-diem assignments.
  5. Subcontract: All professional duties to be determined and specified in contract negotiations.

Rights and responsibilities of all types of employment

All employees, regardless of their classification or employment type, are responsible for upholding the Worldview and Values of the school as described in the School Plan. 

All employees, regardless of their classification or employment type, have the right to request membership to any and all “EC Circles” in order to have their voice heard in democratic self-governance of the school.

Last updated bySean Anderson on August 3, 2022
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