EC Role Transition Plan Checklist

Document ID
Role Transition
EC Role Transition Plan Checklist
Print Date
Prepared By
Sean Anderson / School Consultant
Date Prepared
Effective Date
Reviewed By 
EC Leadership Circle
Date Reviewed
Approved By
EC Leadership Circle
Date Approved

EC Member Role Transition Plan


EC Member Transitioning Roles:

EC Member Facilitating Role Transition: Typically, the GIR Manager, but with the possibility of another delegated member chosen by Get It Right

Role Transition Plan

Facilitator – check all that apply – is this EC member…

  • Adding (a) new role(s)? If so, list here:
  • Stepping away from (a) role(s) – aka resigning from a contracted duty? If so, list here:
  • Modifying the duties of (an) existing role (s)? If so,list here:

Facilitator – check all the following tasks when complete:

  • MDS’s Director of Operations is aware of the change(s) and has modified the connections & instruction schedule, effective ______
  • GIR’s Manager is aware of the change(s) and has modified the EC member’s contract and payroll, effective _______
  • The change(s) have been announced at School Meeting (on _____), to the Board (on ______), and at Community Engagement (on _____).

For EC Members adding a new role

Facilitator – check each step as the member adding this role completes them:

  • Interview with the Design Team and get approval for adding a role
  • Review the role description as written in the Master Contract
  • Meet with the EC member who last held the role for a first transition meeting
  • Create a communication plan between out-going and in-coming EC members with the role
  • Meet with the Leader of the Circle for this role to share notes from transition meeting and communication plan, and to request support as needed

For EC Members resigning from a contracted role

Facilitator – check each step as the member stepping away from this role completes them:

  • Submit a letter of resignation to the Board of Milestone and the Membership of Get It Right
  • Sign an agreement with the GIR Manager committing to completing all following steps of the Transition Plan before a final paycheck is issued
  • Meet with the Circle Leader for this role to prep for transition meeting
  • Prepare a set of transition notes to hand off to new EC member stepping into the role, including at minimum:
    • Current projects, work, and communications; their status; and important people to connect with
    • Known issues and concerns
    • Tips, tricks, and advice for success in this role
  • Meet with the EC member transitioning into this role to share transition notes and prepare a communications plan – if no member has yet been selected to transition in, meet with the Circle Leader
  • Complete the Exit Interview with the EC Member facilitating the role transition
    • Non-confidential information gathered in the Exit Interview shared with GIR and/or EC Leadership Circle

For EC Members Requesting a Change or Modification to an Existing Role

Facilitator – check each step as the member requesting a change completes them:

  • Write a proposal to the Get It Right membership/board for modifying the duties for an existing role, including:
    • The contracted duties in the role description that you are asking to modify
    • A proposed plan for re-delegating those duties to other EC members
    • The overall FTE you are asking to modify, if any
  • Get approval from GIR 

Link to Google Doc template for EC use

Last updated bySean Anderson on January 18, 2023
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