PLP Response to Student Drafts

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PLP Response to Student Drafts
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Prepared By
Sean Anderson / Director of Learning & Teaching
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A guide for Advisors on written responses to student PLP drafts

  1. Ensure that the student has 32.5 hours of learning experiences planned for each week
  2. Add credits and competencies students may earn credit for — be extremely clear about the type and quality of artifacts that would lead to mastery
  3. Describe the CL choice (individual or group)
  4. Write a narrative response:
    1. Does this PLP align with the student’s Profile of a Graduate?
    2. For SpEd students: {Does this PLP align with the student’s current IEP?}
    3. For 6th/7th/8th grade equivalent students: {Does this PLP make adequate progress toward 9th grade advancement requirements?}
    4. For 9th/10th/11th/12th grade equivalent students: {Does this PLP make adequate progress toward high school graduation?}
    5. Does this PLP align with what you know about the student’s working and learning styles, skills, and preferences?
    6. Does this PLP include sufficient opportunities to improve literacy?
    7. Does this PLP include sufficient opportunities to improve numeracy?
    8. Does this PLP include sufficient opportunities to improve student health (physical, mental, emotional, or/and social)?
    9. What advice do you have for the student to make the PLP successful?
Last updated bySean Anderson on August 29, 2022
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