Worker-Owner Collaborative Performance Evaluation Policy and Procedure

Document ID
Worker-Owner Collaborative Performance Evaluation Policy and Procedure
Print Date
Prepared By
Sean Anderson – Co-op Manager
Date Prepared
Effective Date
Reviewed By 
Membership and Board of GIR
Date Reviewed
Approved By
Membership and Board of GIR
Date Approved

Policy: Get It Right Educators’ Cooperative shall employ a rigorous, valid, and reliable procedure for worker-owners and employees to self-evaluate their performance, and for collaborators to evaluate one-another’s performance, at a minimum as scheduled and required by the school placement of each operating school staff body (committee of the membership). The objective of such performance evaluation procedures shall be to inspire continuous improvement in the professional delivery of educational services by each worker-owner and employee and by the committee staffing each school as a whole; and to provide a framework for the actualization of the cooperative principles of:

  • Autonomy & Independence
  • Education, Training, & Information
  • Concern for Community

Procedure: Self-evaluation and collaborative evaluation of each worker-owner and employee shall proceed according to the following:

  1. Prior to any self- or collaborative-evaluation cycle, worker-owners and employees shall come to consensus around clear, adopted Performance Measures for:
    1. General Duties. All worker-owners and employees serving at a school site (i.e. the committee placed at each school), including clear guidelines for:
      1. Attendance to essential workplace duties, including dependability and organization;
      2. Respectful and care-centered communication & collaboration with cooperators; 
      3. Effective and intentional problem-solving and possibility-building strategies; and
      4. Commitment to equity and justice in opposition to all forms of domination, oppression, hierarchy, and violence.
    2. Assigned Roles. Each designated Role and/or Position at the school site, in alignment with the respective Role Description
  2. Periodically, and especially as required by each school site, worker-owners and employees will complete a formal self-evaluation utilizing both General Duties and Assigned Roles, utilizing the Performance Measures described above. Each worker-owner and employee shall submit their completed self-evaluations to the Cooperative as well as to the Board of their school site placement for inclusion into their official personnel file, within two days of designated evaluation date.
  3. Contemporaneously with self-evaluation, at least two fellow worker-owners and/or employees, one selected by the worker-owner or employee themselves, and one selected by the Board of their school site placement, will conduct formal collaborative evaluations, utilizing the same Performance Measures. The worker-owner or employee being evaluated shall be provided with a reasonable opportunity (within two days of receipt of the evaluation) to respond in-person and in writing, and their response shall become part of the record of the evaluation. When requested, in person meetings with the opportunity to respond shall be closed-session meetings of the cooperative, and shall be held within one week of the evaluation date. The complete evaluation shall be submitted to the Cooperative as well as to the Board of the school placement site.
  4. Following each evaluation cycle, a meeting of the cooperative body shall be held to reflect on the evaluation process, and to propose revisions to either this policy and procedure, or the general and particular performance measures.
Last updated bySean Anderson on November 3, 2022
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