Administrative Regulations 520 and 521: Student Behavior Expectations and Consequences AKA How to Be At Milestone

Document ID
Student Behavior Expectations and Consequences
Print Date
Prepared By
Various governing bodies of MDS – see below
Date Prepared
See below
Effective Date
See below
Reviewed By 
See below
Date Reviewed
See below
Approved By
See below
Date Approved
See below

Referring Policies: 

Policy 112: Board of Directors Policy Development,  Adoption, Amendment, or Revision

Adoption of School Policy is the sole and exclusive responsibility of the Board. However, the School Plan as adopted by the Design Team shall be consulted as the originating source of all School Policy whenever possible. Further, all governing bodies of the School, including the Design Team, School Meeting, Community Engagement, and the TPP/EC, are strongly encouraged to develop and propose new policies, revisions to existing policies, and recommendations to eliminate existing policies, so long as those are not in contradiction of the School Plan, in order to ensure that the School meets their needs. Any such recommendation of policy change brought to the Board will be taken under consideration as part of the Oversight responsibility of the Board, and decisions to adopt, revise, or reject such proposals will be communicated clearly with the entire School community.

Operational Procedures and Administrative Regulations, which serve to make adopted Policies actionable, may be written and adopted by any governing body of the School and shall serve as binding obligations upon all members of the School community upon their adoption. The Board shall exercise their Oversight responsibility with all such adopted Procedures and Regulations, by reviewing them after adoption to ensure compliance with law, existing contracts, and the School’s worldview and values. Any violation of such compliance determined by the Board shall result in immediate suspension of the Procedure or Regulation, and communication by the Board to the governing body who adopted it to clearly indicate why the violation was determined and to indicate suggested revisions.

Policy 520: Student Behavior Expectations

The Board authorizes School Meeting, Community Engagement, the EC, and the Design Team to create and adopt Student Behavior Expectations consistent with the School Plan.

Policy 521: Student Behavior Consequences

The Board authorizes School Meeting, Community Engagement, the EC, and the Design Team to create and adopt Student Behavior Consequences consistent with the School Plan.


The Rights and Responsibilities of all members of the Milestone community are established by the School Plan. If you feel at any time that your rights are being violated, or that you are being prevented from living up to your responsibilities, bring your concern to the Board immediately.

As each governing body of Milestone creates and adopts guidelines and regulations pertinent to Student Behavior Expectations and Consequences, they shall be entered into this document as official and binding regulations upon the school community. Each entry shall record the author, reviewers, and adopting body, as well as tracking each subsequent revision.

Milestone Democratic School is a unique and innovative public charter school where students are provided many opportunities for learning based on their interests and ideas.  Students are allowed many freedoms within the school to create, explore, research, identify and grow interests.  Milestone places great emphasis on developing the whole student.

Students are given many freedoms and with freedom comes responsibility.  Students are expected to interact with others with respect and the dignity that all people deserve.  People are allowed to expect to be treated in a fair and dignified manner and also treat others in the same manner.  There are many opportunities for everyone at MDS to voice their opinions in a respectful way and allow others the same.  

Students at MDS are expected to treat others with respect and to conduct themselves in a manner that reflects and demonstrates the beliefs, philosophies and core values of the MDS.  Students are expected to refrain from conduct that violates these values including behavior that disrupts the learning process in the school and violates the standards of respect when interacting with others.  Students are expected to comply with the rules and guidelines in this school as they are designed to create and continue a functional, orderly and safe school environment for everyone. 

Adopted Guidelines & Regulations:

Laptops getting lost 

Revision1.1Prepared ByZeke, Lucius, TysonRevision by GIR StaffDate Prepared09/15/2110/11/21
Effective Date10/12/21Reviewed By School MeetingGIR StaffDate Reviewed09/22/2110/11/21
Approved BySchool MeetingGIR StaffDate Approved09/22/2110/11/21

We will make bar-codes on computers then to chek them out, the student that needs that laptop will scan the bar-code under the facilities manager’s supervison the student that checked out that laptop is responsable for it if that student lends that laptop to someone else the 1st student is responsible for it. You can only borrow a laptop over 1 NIGHT MAX.

When checking out a computer, students will need to request a computer from the staff member at the front desk.  Prior to taking a computer students will need to write down their name, number on the computer and charger if taking one.  

Students are responsible for the use and care of the computer and returning it prior to the end of their school day.  Students who do not check their computer back in will not be allowed to check out another computer until the original one has been returned.  Students are responsible for the computer they check out.  Any damage to or loss of the computer will be the responsibility of the student and could include the cost of repair and/or replacement.


Prepared By
Jo Bernstein and Phoebe DeWitt
Date Prepared
Effective Date
Reviewed By 
School Meeting
Date Reviewed
Approved By
Design Team
Date Approved


Swearing on its one will not be punished on the Milestone campus. 

However, hurtful language will not be tolerated. 

  • If a student or students are saying hurtful things please consult the bullying policies. 

You can NOT swear at people to cause harm. 

  • If an individual feels that the swearing involved in the harm being caused is in issue for them. They have a full right to express that and ask it to stop as a part of the restorative justice process. 

Swearing is not inherently harmful on its own, but when used to cause harm we should focus on the intention and not the fact that swearing was involved.

In these circumstances we must acknowledge that the intention of the language is the mean problem, not the swearing. 

  • Speaking a swear word is ok, saying a swear word at someone is not ok. 
  • Example: “Oh f***” is fine, “f*** you!” is not fine

 Milestone’s mission is a school designed to be a different kind of education. A place that does not force people into societal norms or expectations but allows people to attend school as their full selves. Limiting any sort of language that is not inherently hurtful does not align with our values. Just because a certain way of communication is not viewed by our overall society as “correct” or “professional” does not mean it isn’t a valid, professional, and correct way of communication. We must acknowledge that those thoughts are rooted in racism and classism and will not be upheld by our school.  

We acknowledge that some swearing and some language in general can be very triaging to some. At Milestone every student  should be willing to accommodate different boundras for both students and teachers.

If students are unable to stop themselves from causing harm through swear words, this will be taken up by EC members as a form of bullying and CARE requests will be made. 


If said by accident, this could be due to ignorance. In this case the student should still take accountability and truly learn why what they did was wrong 

If said on purpose this requires further action and accountability as well as meaningful steps to becoming able to be at milestone appropriately 

(if it is an example in an educative setting, give context warning, and only use to educate)

By accident/coercion: 

  1. Parents are required to be notified by Advisor immediately
  2. You and your advisor will come up with an education plan tailored to you and your needs to learn about the word you said and why it was harmful (resources will be available)
  3. You will be required to have conversations with Justice Coordinator, Advisor, and a trusted adult (optional) 
  4. Next, a written or video apology, including what you have learned, why the slur was harmful and why you will not do it again. 

*Students will be asked to isolate themselves and accomplish the work until it is done

  • If student refuses, they will be asked to go home or isolate for the rest of the day
  • Recommended: Justice Coordinator is in the room with the student 
  • “Accident” only works once for any slur used. 

On purpose: 

  • 1-3 times: If said on purpose you should be sent home for the day and then complete all steps from if you did it on accident.
    • You will not be allowed to come back unless the work is completed
    • Students will be asked to Learn From Home
    • Can ask for help from Advisor or Restorative Justice Coordinator 
  • Start restorative circle at this point (CARE Circle) 
  • 4+ times: Asked to attend virtually until you have completed the restorative justice process and have been cleared by the restorative justice circle leadership or it has been a month
  • Preferable this process should take about a week 
  • If after this process you say the slur again you will repeat the process 
  • You can go through this process up to three times. If after the third time you are still saying the slur, you will be asked to attend virtually for the rest of the year. 

This is necessary to maintain a safe and and welcoming atmosphere at Milestone 

If a student is encouraging others to say slurs they will be held partly liable for harm caused. They will be subjected to the same consequences as the student that said the slur. 

If you are a student that can say certain slurs based on your identity you will not be limited. We MUST stress that if you hear someone else saying a certain word or phrase this DOES NOT give you permission to say it under any circumstances. If you are saying things that you would not want other students to say, please be aware of others in the room, especially younger students.  

Drugs, tobacco, and alcohol

Referring policy:

Policy 510: Possession, Use, Sale, or Distribution of Drug, Tobacco, and E-Cigarettes

Excerpt of full policy:

(A) Milestone Democratic School students are prohibited from possessing, using, consuming, displaying, promoting, or selling any tobacco products, tobacco-related devices, imitation tobacco products, or lighters at any time on school property or at any off-campus, school sponsored event. The School prohibits the unlawful possession, use, distribution, manufacture or dispensing of illicit drugs (“controlled substances” as defined in Ch. 961, Wis. Stat.) and alcohol in accordance with s. UWS 18.09, Wis. Adm. Code, by students. The use or possession of alcoholic beverages is also prohibited on School premises, in accordance s. UWS 18.09, Wis. Adm. Code.

Prepared By
Cruz, Ryan, Kyen
Date Prepared
Effective Date
Reviewed By 
School Meeting
GIR Staff
Date Reviewed
Approved By
School Meeting
GIR Staff
Date Approved

We expect people to not do illegal drugs or drugs that require a legal age or a prescription, smoke, or drink alcohol while on the premosis, or off the premises. For prescription medicine talk to Health & wellness coordinator.

If you are of the legal age to smoke you can smoke off of school grounds. If you do anything of the sort on school grounds, you will have to participate in a restorative justice circle and a call home, the second time you will have to participate in a restorative justice circle with your parents, the third time you will have to participate in weekly counselling for eight weeks, the fourth time you will have to participate in two weekly meeting with the counselor, for twelve weeks. The fifth time your parents will be contacted and will create the punishment.  For all questions about this process, see the Health & Wellness Coordinator. 

MDS is a drug, alcohol and tobacco free environment.  Possession and use of drugs and alcohol is a violation of the values of MDS and Local and State law.  Students are not to engage in any type of drug/alcohol and tobacco use or possession while in school, on school property or at any school-related function.  

If staff have a reasonable suspicion that a student or students are in possession of drugs and/or alcohol or under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol, staff will conduct an investigation.  Such an investigation could include a search of the student’s school bags or backpack or other areas where such items could be hidden.  Any type of refusal of a student to allow school personnel to conduct a reasonable search could result in a student’s family and guardians, or a trusted community partner with clear written agreements with the school,  being called in to assist with the situation, including removing the student from the school. It will be determined by school staff if the student will be suspended from school and the length of any suspension.  Prior to returning to school, the student, parents/guardians and school personnel will meet in order to discuss the circumstances and potential future consequences should this occur again.  

If it is believed that the student could have an issue with drugs and/or alcohol, the school personnel will work with the family in order to assist with getting the student professional help for any addiction-related issues.


Revision1.0Prepared ByGhost, Jojo, Grey, HelenaDate Prepared09/29/21
Effective Date09/29/21Reviewed By School MeetingDate Reviewed09/29/21
Approved BySchool MeetingDate Approved09/29/21

If you make a mess, you clean it. If you don’t do that, or ya keep making messes, you gotta stay after and clean it — staff will give you 5 minutes before the end of the school day or leave the mess for you for the next morning if you cannot stay after. If it’s a group, this applies to all of them. If we don’t know who made the mess & it’s small, whoever finds it can clean it up. If it’s a large mess & we don’t know who made it, we can follow the staff’s plan of having three people clean. Clorox wipes will be provided in each bathroom stall for use as needed — so long as they are not flushed down the toilet.

People Talking Over Each Other

Revision1.0Prepared ByEl, Ceilidh, Lichen, Tae, SageDate Prepared09/29/21
Effective Date09/29/21Reviewed By School MeetingDate Reviewed09/29/21
Approved BySchool MeetingDate Approved09/29/21

in what situations is it acceptable to talk over someone?

  • during a presentation? NO
  • an instruction? NO
  • a meeting? Depends on context
  • Argument? Yes
  • Conversation? Depends on context
  • Mediation? NO

solutions to distributive behavior:

notifying teachers or staff

call and response

talking piece 

ignoring interrupters statement (not scribing ideas until stated properly) 

last resort; private conversation from student to teacher

Pronoun respect

Revision1.0Prepared ByIsla, Iris, Azalea SteeleDate Prepared09/29/21
Effective Date09/29/21Reviewed By School MeetingDate Reviewed09/29/21
Approved BySchool MeetingDate Approved09/29/21

We propose that you should respect people’s pronouns. If you purposely do not do this, then you will need to say this person’s pronouns 10 times, alone. In addition to 10 times repeating, we can host a learning session with the Justice Coordinator about pronouns and gender (in 3 parts). This will help with remembering to use the correct pronouns. If you accidentally mess up then just try correcting yourself. It is pretty easy to tell if someone is purposely messing up or accidentally messing up, by their tone of voice or if they are mocking you. If they continue to do this purposely then further actions will be discussed. For example, someone could have a talk with the person about how important it is to respect people’s pronouns. If they still continue to refuse to respect the pronouns then talk to an advisor for further action

Bathroom usage (gendered)

Revision1.0Prepared ByAvery, Serenity, and AbramDate Prepared09/29/21
Effective Date09/29/21Reviewed By School MeetingDate Reviewed09/29/21
Approved BySchool MeetingDate Approved09/29/21

Anyone can use any bathroom.

Where will students be?

Revision2.0Prepared BySchool MeetingDate PreparedApril 6, 2022
Effective DateApril 8, 2022Reviewed By ECDate ReviewedApril 7, 2022
Approved ByConsensus of ECDate ApprovedApril 7, 2022

You are expected to begin each class hour in the Learning Experience on your PLP schedule.

You get 2 reminders if you walk out first 2 are warnings and then the 3rd one is having to call your parents/guardians to discuss with them. 

People can be out of the classroom. There should be a sensory room in the current conference room, with cameras, or a baby monitor at the front desk so there is supervision. Baby monitor has two way audio so person at front desk can speak to someone. 

If someone needs to sleep, or feels sick, they need to sign into the Health Room.

If someone needs physical activity, they can sign into the Fitness Room.

If the Conference Room is full, students can also request time in the Lobby, or the Kitchen (only if a staff member is present).

To leave, ask the adult or staff member in charge, like advisor, get them to write on a pass that u have permission, and the time they were given permission. It is a five minute minimum for a break, it could be all day, like if you are having a bad mental time, you could be in there all day. If someone is spending all their time repeatedly in there, restorative justice will be used, to see if they are okay and if they need help with anything.

When can I eat food?

Revision1.0Prepared ByBrad HornDate PreparedSept 20, 2021
Effective DateSept 21, 2021Reviewed By GIR Staff at MilestoneDate ReviewedSept 20, 2021
Approved ByConsensus of GIR Staff at MilestoneDate ApprovedSept 20, 2021

Eating food requires taking your mask off, so it will only happen at specific times and places.

8-9AM: outdoors (food will be placed outdoors)

9-11AM: if your entire advisory takes a snack break, you can eat in either the MakerSpace or outdoors (follow the instructions of your advisor)

Your lunch period: be aware that we will be assigning 3 students (on a rotating schedule) each day to do cleanup duty for the last five minutes of your lunch break.

2-2:15PM: we are making a fifteen minute break in your afternoon.  Be sure to eat then, in the Makerspace or outdoors, because you won’t be allowed to eat at other times.

What can we do in classrooms

Revision1.0Prepared ByBrad HornDate PreparedSept 20, 2021
Effective DateSept 21, 2021Reviewed By GIR Staff at MilestoneDate ReviewedSept 20, 2021
Approved ByConsensus of GIR Staff at MilestoneDate ApprovedSept 20, 2021

The following are allowed in the classroom:

  • Laughing
  • Learning
  • Cleaning
  • Sticking up for yourself or someone else
  • Having your mind blown
  • Drinking water (so long as you are quick about your sip)
  • Subverting the dominant paradigm
  • Questioning reality
  • Other things as directed by a teacher or Advisor

The following are prohibited in the classroom:

  • Eating
  • Touching others in a way that makes them feel uncomfortable or they don’t want
  • Interrupting the class, such as with disruptive or off-topic conversations
  • Use of slurs (the n-word, the  r-word, calling someone “stupid,” any language that denigrates or demeans someone based on their identity, etc.) or intentionally making someone feel unwelcome in our community
  • Using technology in a way that’s not approved by a teacher or staff member
  • Wearing headphones without permission
  • Damaging the property of the school or of others

Masking requirements and consequences

Revision1.1Prepared BySean AndersonDate PreparedOct 10, 2021
Effective Date10/12/21Reviewed By GIR StaffDate Reviewed10/11/21
Approved ByConsensus of GIR StaffDate Approved10/11/21

When can a student be sent home for a failure to follow masking requirements?

  • After 2 reminders to follow our mask requirements, which are described in our COVID plan, the student will be asked to step out and have a conversation with the Health/Wellness/Safety Coordinator (or another staff member designated for that role). The student will call home and explain to their guardian they are having issues with keeping their mask up and if it happens again they will need to be picked up.
  • After 3 reminders, the student will be asked to step out and have a conversation with the Health/Wellness/Safety Coordinator, who will call home and request the student be picked up.
    • If guardians are unresponsive or unable to pick them up, the student will be isolated in the Health Room with a book to read.
    • Once home, the student is expected to complete the school day remotely.  The student should return the next day to school and try again.
    • After 2 days per year of being sent home for mask noncompliance, students remain in remote learning until a meeting happens with students, guardians, and advisors and a mutually-acceptable solution/plan is reached.
      • Does the student need more time outdoors while taking a mask break staying six feet away from others?
      • Does the student need mask wearing breaks throughout  the day outdoors by the front lobby while an adult can observe them?
      • If mask breaks need to be added to a student’s PLP or schedule, the student still needs to remember to sign out and in.

 Physical and Verbal Aggression/Language

Revision1.0Prepared ByRick HammesDate Prepared10/10/21
Effective Date10/12/21Reviewed By GIR StaffDate Reviewed10/11/21
Approved ByConsensus of GIR StaffDate Approved10/11/21

Students are to refrain from verbal and physical aggression.  If students have a dispute, they are expected to resolve their differences in a manner that demonstrates respect and dignity.  There are supports within the school to help students resolve their differences. Students are encouraged to utilize this help rather than through physical and/or verbal aggression.  

Language is an important part of respect.  Engaging in profane language within the context of a conflict will not be tolerated.  Using profanity when interacting with others at school is considered degrading of others and violates the values of MDS.  It also disrupts learning, instruction and the flow of the school.  Students are expected to refrain from using profanity, yelling and screaming while at school.  Students who engage in such language will be asked to stop.  Continued use of loud, profane language could result in parent contacts;  parent, student and staff conference; removal from the school for a specified duration,  placed in a virtual school model.   

Acts of physical aggression will not be tolerated.  MDS provides opportunities for students to resolve their differences in ways consistent with the values of the school; maintaining respect and dignity for others.  Those students who choose to engage in physical aggression could be subject to being removed to an area of the school to calm down for a period of time; suspended in or out of school; depending on the severity and number of such incidents, the local authorities could be contacted for assistance.    Parents/guardians will be contacted and could be required to meet with school personnel and the student prior to the student being allowed to resume school at MDS.  Based on circumstances of any physical altercation, trained staff may intervene to stop the aggression.  

 Covid Masks

Revision1Prepared ByRick HammesDate Prepared10/10/21
Effective Date10/12/21Reviewed By GIR StaffDate Reviewed10/11/21
Approved ByConsensus of GIR StaffDate Approved10/11/21

As long as the Covid pandemic is a national and local concern and mask requirements are in place, everyone, staff, students and visitors, will be required to wear a mask. We will always follow local, state, and national guidance and regulations regarding masking. This is to reduce the spread of the virus and to keep students, staff and family members safe and virus free.  The mask must be properly worn and cover the mouth and nose.  The mask can be lowered when eating or drinking.  The mask mandate will be for both indoors and outdoors.  If masks are found to not be worn properly, they will be reminded to properly wear their mask.  Continued violations of the mask policy could result in  parents being contact and students not allowed at school until such time they agree to fully abide by the mask policy.  Those students who are sent home will be expected to participate in school virtually.

 Student Schedules and Classes

Revision1.0Prepared ByRick HammesDate Prepared10/10/21
Effective Date10/12/21Reviewed By GIR StaffDate Reviewed10/11/21
Approved ByGIR StaffDate Approved10/11/21

All students have a say in the type of class they would like to be involved in.  Students are able to make proposals for classes they would like to take in the future.  Students are encouraged to take advantage of this opportunity in order to develop their individual interests and learning plan.  

Every student has a school/class schedule and they are expected to follow it on a daily basis. Attending class is not considered optional as all students are expected to be in their scheduled class at the scheduled time.  Students are to ask permission and then sign out of class if they need to leave the room.  Students are not allowed to just leave a class and roam the school.  When in class, students are expected to follow along with the class and be engaged in the learning activity. 

There will be sign out sheets in each room that students use, and any time someone needs to leave the room they are assigned to be in based on their PLP, they will sign out (using permanent ink) with their name, where they are going, and what time they leave. When they return to their assigned room, they sign back in with the time they return. There will also be space for notes. At the end of each day, the Director of Operations will collect all sign out sheets, and keep them for at least one week. 

Students who choose to not comply with their class schedule or just leave the room will be directed to return to the classroom.  In the event a student refuses, staff personnel will inquire about the reason and either allow for some time for the student to sit in a quiet area by themselves or be directed to return to class.  If the student refuses to comply, a call will be made to the student’s parents/guardians informing them of the situation.  If the refusal continues, parents/guardians may be contacted again and asked to pick up their student for the day.  

Prior to the student returning to school and classes, a meeting will be held with the student, parents and school personnel to discuss the issue and develop an action plan for the student.  

 Bullying and Harassment

Referring Policy:

Policy 502: Bullying

Revision1.0Prepared ByRick HammesDate Prepared10/10/21
Effective Date10/12/21Reviewed By GIR StaffDate Reviewed10/11/21
Approved ByGIR StaffDate Approved10/11/21

Bullying and harassment can be defined as the deliberate or intentional behavior using words or actions, intended to cause fear, intimidation or harm. Examples of bullying behavior, although not exhaustive, include: Physical Assault, hitting, punching, kicking, theft, threatening behavior Verbal Threatening or intimidating language, teasing or name-calling, racist remarks Indirect Gossiping, spreading rumors, social isolation, intimidation through gestures, sending insulting electronic messages.

MDS is a school that has as one of its core values the respect and dignity of others and treating others accordingly.  Students are expected to behave and engage with other students in this manner.  Bullying and/or harassment will not be tolerated at MDS.  Students who engage in such behavior will be talked to by school personnel and expected to stop all such behavior.  If the behavior continues, parents/guardians will be contacted and informed of the situation.  Continued bullying/harassment could result in the student being isolated from activities, removed from school for a time, and participating in school via virtual instruction.  In the event a student is removed from school for a period of time due to continued bullying and harassment, a meeting with the student, parents/guardian, and school personnel will take place prior to the student being allowed to return to school.  

Technology and Cell Phones 

Revision1.0Prepared ByRick HammesDate Prepared10/10/21
Effective Date10/12/21Reviewed By GIR StaffDate Reviewed10/11/21
Approved ByConsensus of GIR StaffDate Approved10/11/21

Technology is an important component in learning and instruction.  MDS strives to ensure all students have access to technology to enhance their educational opportunities and experience.  It is one of the goals of MDS to provide enough laptop computers for each student.  

Students using cell phones at school can become a problem especially when students are using their phones when they should be participating in class.  Such phone use can be a major disruption for students and staff.  Students are to be focused on instruction rather than their phones.  

Students are allowed to use their cell phones only before and after school, during lunch and break times, and when the teacher gives permission.  Cell phone use at any other time is not allowed.  Cell phones are to be turned off during instruction time.  If a student believes they need to use their phone, they must obtain the permission of the advisor/teacher.  

Students using their phones without permission will receive a verbal request to put the phone away.  Continued use of the phone could result in  parents/guardians being contacted, the phone taken away until either the end of the class or the end of the day.  Continued violations of cell phone use could result in a meeting with school staff, parents/guardians, and the student in order to develop an action plan to address and correct the issue.  Continued violations of cell phone use could result in the student not allowed to have a phone at school, student being sent home, student participating in virtual learning.  

 Lunch Period

Revision1.0Prepared ByRick HammesDate Prepared10/10/21
Effective Date10/12/21Reviewed By GIR StaffDate Reviewed10/11/21
Approved ByGIR StaffDate Approved10/11/21

MDS has two lunch periods. First lunch is from 11:00-11:30 and the second lunch is from 11:30-12:00.  Each student has their lunch time as part of their school schedule and is expected to follow it.  Students are to eat their lunch in the maker space room or outside.  If students do not have a lunch, the school does have some food available when needed.  Students are to remain either outside or in the maker space room during their lunch time.  Students are not allowed to roam the school during their lunch time.  With permission, students may sit in the lobby during their lunch time but are not allowed to eat in the lobby.  Students are not allowed in the kitchen without permission.  When students are finished with their lunch and before the end of their lunch period, they are expected to clean up any messes they may have made.  If someone makes a mess, that person is responsible for cleaning it up.

At the end of the first lunch period, those students who had lunch go to either physical activities outside or music in the auditorium.  Those students who had physical activity or music from 11:00-11:30 are to go to the maker space room or outside for their lunch.

MDS has a closed campus meaning students are not allowed to leave the school or its property during the school day including during the lunch periods.  Students are required to stay out of the parking lot during the school day including lunch periods.  Students who drive to school are not allowed to go to their cars during the school day including the lunch periods.  If a student needed to retrieve something from their car during the day including lunch periods, they must first obtain permission from a staff person.

Signed Agreement of Student Expectations

Prepared By
Culture & Climate Circle
Date Prepared
Effective Date
Reviewed By 
Culture & Climate Circle
Date Reviewed
Approved By
Culture & Climate Circle
Date Approved

All students will be required to review the following summary of our expectations, to have it signed by a guardian, and to return it to be kept on file for the school year:

Consent, Boundaries, PDA

Revision1.0Prepared BySchool meeting/ Iassic WilkeningDate PreparedOctober 4 2022
Effective DateOctober 18 2022Reviewed By School MeetingDate ReviewedOctober 11 2022
Approved BySchool MeetingDate ApprovedOctober 18 2022

Consent, boundaries, pda (public displays of affection)

What is consent-

“Both parties agreeing to something.”

*Even asking to touch an object

What does that look like/ how can you ask

Asking before touching someone or invading their personal space.

Asking consent to sit by someone or go within their personal bubble.


“Hello, can I give you a hi five?”, “yes” *hifives

“Can I do this?” (y/n)

“Can I touch *insert thing*?”, “yes”, *touches object

“Can I rant to you right now” (also still use content warnings)

Physical examples-

Putting up a fist bump, giving the option for the individual to fist bump back

Putting up hand for hi-five

Putting up arms, giving the other person an option to hug them

What are boundaries-

“A line that marks the limits of an area; a dividing line”- oxford

“A limit of a subject or sphere of activity”-oxford

How do you set boundaries-

By setting boundaries, that could look like requesting not to do something.


“I don’t like to be hugged”; “please don’t hug me”

“Ask before touching me.”; “please don’t touch me at all”

“Please don’t talk about *insert content*.”


“Don’t do that”

“Please stop that”

“You’re in my bubble, can you back up please?”

“I’m sorry, I’m not available to hear that right now.”

“Please don’t talk about that.”

Physical examples-

Taking a step backwards

Putting your foot in front of you

Putting up a hand

What to do if someone isn’t respecting boundaries

If the issue is being done in good faith, talking to that person should be fine. But if it keeps happening or it is in bad faith, talk to an advisor or staff member and restorative justice and accountability measures should be/ could be taken. It depends on the circumstances.


“You aren’t respecting my boundaries”

“I have a boundary of *insert thing*, you aren’t respecting it.”

*restate boundary- “I asked you not to do that, I noticed you are doing it, here is my boundary”

Caveat to boundaries around subjects- 

If you are constantly putting up the boundary of not wanting to talk about certain subjects, such as race, remember not to use it as an excuse to opt out of educational discussion. Especially, if you benefit from that conversation. People who have trauma relating to a subject, or who are affected by a subject matter, have the right to put up a boundary and say. “I can’t talk about that today or right now”, but if you are not affected by a subject and are just uncomfortable around a subject matter, look into that and remember sometimes one needs to feel uncomfortable in order to learn and grow educationally.

Example of this-

A white person should not use a boundary to not talk about race or anti-blackness, but a black person may use a boundary to say they are not able to talk about that subject in that current time. This is because, black people are directly impacted and affected by race and anti-blackness due to the state of the world and history. 


Someone who is affected by disability (has a disability or close relation with someone who does) may choose not to participate in discussion about ableism, but someone who is not disabled SHOULD participate in the conversation, even if they are uncomfortable by it.

What is PDA-

(Public Displays of Affection)

Any kind of body contact*


Kissing in public (cheek or lips)

Holding hands


Cuddling (laying against someone or beside them, spooning)

What is and is not acceptable in school-

Kissing on the lips (not school appropriate in any way)

Covid protocol says masks must be worn, so if masks were still worn, kissing on the cheek is acceptable. 

Outside there should be no kissing, even a kiss on the cheek needs masks to be worn.

Leaning against someone or head on shoulder is okay.

Laying on someone or spooning is not school appropriate

Sharing seats or sitting by/ next to someone is ok if both butts are on the ground

How should we share this information?-

Have a  poster,  reminders in school meeting and advisory (reminders if needed, advisors share it if needed, students can ask for a reminder)

How would we hold us/ppl accountable for this? advisors , staff and students

Having a talk; restorative justice circle


Helping your friend set boundaries

*this can be changed at any time

How friends can help hold each other accountable and how they can help each other practice and use consent and boundaries, is just working on them with it

Why someone may have trouble respecting boundaries?-

Some people who are neurodivergent have issues with impulse control, or thinking before acting. We need to remember that it takes time and practice to learn consent and boundaries. Your boundaries are important and should be respected, but also we need to remember to be kind and compassionate as well as understanding of circumstances.

Snack Wrappers

Revision 1.0Prepared By Sean AndersonDate Prepared 10/31/2023
Effective Date 10/31/2023Reviewed By School MeetingDate Reviewed 10/31/2023
Approved By School MeetingDate Approved 10/31/2023

Whenever the front desk EC members hand out snacks or drinks in disposable containers, they will write the student’s name they are giving it to on the wrapper or container in sharpie. If wrappers are found anywhere outside a trash can or recycling bin with student names on them, they will spend their next break doing extra clean-up as directed by the front desk folks.

Skateboarding, Rollerblading, Biking, and Rollerskating

Revision 1.0Prepared By School MeetingDate Prepared 11/14/2023
Effective Date 11/14/2023Reviewed By School MeetingDate Reviewed 11/14/2023
Approved By School MeetingDate Approved 11/14/2023

If students have a signed waiver where guardians give permission to take part in specific sports, students may skateboard, roller blade, bike, and/or rollerskate (etc) outdoors only. They must follow the expectations on the signed waiver (including wearing helmets). Under no circumstances can students skateboard, rollerblade, bike, rollerskate, etc, inside the building.

Last updated bySean Anderson on February 20, 2024
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