Organization Chart

Visual Map of Sociocracy Circles

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Text Version

Note: Other sub-circles of the Membership that are presently partially-formed but which need more official status are not included. E.g. COVID Workgroup; Mutual Aid; Facilities (“Cleaning Party”). Departmental sub-circles (E.g. “Advisors” as a sub-circle of “Learning & Teaching”) may also not be included in this overview.



Govern our School as a participatory democracy


  • Create, modify, and/or delete all operational procedures and administrative regulations
  • Final decision regarding continued or non-continuation of employment for all staff
  • Elect a Governance Board
  • “Call out” the Board’s decision-making when necessary
  • Evaluate teaching staff
  • Adjust the yearly calendar when needed
  • Plan and approve special events


  • All enrolled students
  • All guardians, parents, and direct care-givers of enrolled students
  • All staff
  • Community Stakeholders who apply for membership

Governance Board


  • Raise the profile of the School
  • Raise funds for the School
  • Provide oversight for all other governing bodies of the School


  • All School Policies – adopt, revise, delete
  • Review all decisions made by Membership, Design Team, School Meeting, and EC for compliance with law, contracts, and values
  • Legal and fiduciary responsibility for the School


Elected by School membership, to include at least 3 students, 2 staff, and 2 community stakeholders

School Meeting


  • Make all day-to-day governance decisions not directly in conflict with the School Plan
  • Make recommendations and provide input to the Design Team, EC, and Board


Create, modify, and/or delete all operational procedures and administrative regulations


  • All enrolled students
  • All staff

Design Team


Formally study, evaluate, and revise the School Plan to ensure the School is meeting its purpose, worldview, and values


Edit, modify, and re-write the School Plan


  • Between 13 and 17 members, made up of:
  • Between 9 and 15 students
  • Up to 3 staff
  • 1 guardian / parent / caregiver

Selected at random from a list of volunteers

EC Leadership


Deliver the experience described in the School Plan, by:

  • Holding the Learning, Operations, and Culture circles accountable and supporting their functioning
  • Ensuring the flow of information between EC circles
  • Deciding who decides: assigning new issues to the EC circles, and/or exploring and making decisions that concern the aims/domains of more than one EC circle
  • Responding to questions and concerns from the School community, accountability partners, and community stakeholders that concern the aims of more than one EC circle (or when a question/concern is not satisfactorily addressed by an EC circle)


Create, modify, and/or delete all Operational Procedures and Administrative Regulations that concern the aims/domains of more than one EC circle


  • Director of Learning & Teaching
  • Delegate from Learning & Teaching Circle
  • Director of Operations
  • Delegate from Operations & Governance Circle
  • Director of School Culture & Climate
  • Delegate from Culture & Climate Circle


Learning and Teaching


Use relevant, real-life experiences & problems for, differentiated, one-student-at-a-time, hands-on learning


  • All operational procedures and administrative regulations derived from the following sections of the School Plan:
  • Learning Program: Experiences – Goals – Assessments


  • Director of Learning and Teaching
  • Community Learning Coordinator
  • Reading and Dyslexia Instruction Expert
  • Leader of Advisors Circle
  • Delegate from Advisors Circle
  • Delegate from Special Education Circle

Operations and Governance


Govern and manage the school in a way that includes students, teachers, and staff, to meet all operational obligations with outside entities


All operational procedures and administrative regulations derived from the following sections of the School Plan:

Governance – Facilities – Food – Staffing Pattern – Calendar & Schedules – Budget


  • Director of Operations
  • School Finance Manager
  • Health, Wellness, & Safety Coordinator
  • Facilities Manager
  • Food Services Manager
  • IT Coordinator


Culture and Climate


Be accessible & welcoming to all, regardless of income, race, ethnicity, gender expression, culture, identity, age, neurodiversity, social-emotional-mental wellbeing, or dis/ability, while building agency & power for equity, inclusion, and justice


All operational procedures and administrative regulations derived from the following sections of the School Plan:

Worldview & Values – Services, Care, Climate, & Culture – Justice


  • Director of Culture & Climate
  • Justice Coordinator


Special Education


Provide services to meet the needs of all students with disabilities while ensuring compliance with law, contracts, and policy.


All Operational Procedures and Administrative Regulations pertaining to Special Education


  • Director of Special Education
  • Special Education Coordinator
  • Special Education Instructors



Deliver Advisory as described in the School Plan.


Advisory curriculum and all Operational Procedures related to Advisory


  • All Advisors

Last updated bySean Anderson on November 27, 2023
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